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North Linden Area Commission Meeting, December 20, 2018

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Fire Department report

The fire department representatives report:


Habitat for Humanity

Aubrey Smock, Americorps volunteer with Habitat for Humanity mid-Ohio. They surveyed North and South Linden three years ago, and this year they're re-surveying. They'll be conducting neighborhood satisfaction surveys in March to search for areas that can be improved.

John Lathram, Vice Chair, complains about mud flows near Habitat's construction sites; the H4H rep who wasn't Aubrey said that they would look into straw barriers.

Columbus City Schools feeder patterns

Stephen Hardwich served on the facilities task force. He said that their taskforce was limited to only use existing money and facilites. The proposal he came to talk about was that of moving Dominnion Elementary to the north building. This would give them more space; this year they had many students turned away.

The idea was to combine Dominion with the middleschool programs at CNIS (which is at less than half capacity), for language programs. The middle school grades would stay at CNIS; the CNIS upper school grades would move to Brookhaven, which has a large ESL population and is also under half capacity. But that idea would not work.

They've had a hard problem finding Como region parents; they've had a lot of input from Clinton and Weinland Park parents. Says that Como doesn't have PTA or PTO; Weinland Park got theirs just last year. A core group of parents with a lot of time is needed.

Jennifer Adair sais that the feeder program patterns were historically set up because there was less support in the past for public schools.

hardwick@nonfinality.com is the presenter's email address.

Valita Fields, council member, says that housing growth is outpacing school growth.

Legacies United Foundation

Dennis Gullick represented the faith-based organization, backed by Jerusalem Tabernacle Missionary Baptist, 826 East Maynard. They're a new church that just moved right behind the stadium. They've analyzed food deserts in the area. They're offereing

They're looking to start fresh in the spring with a new planting in their community garden.

ON Jan 21, they're planning a MLK Jr. Day event, from 9 a.m. at their church, proceeding to a march and then a gathering at the church.

legaciesunited.com will be their new website. legaciesunite.us@gmail.com

City reports

Department of Neighborhoods

Upcoming events:

Committee items

NLAC commission thing

They have one candidate to nominate, Ishmail Mohammad, who will be replacing Walt Reiner as the commission's nominee to a Mayor's commission.

Scott's Point Memorial

The Memorial is at tktk location that's a memorial to people who served in tktk war, which was hit and damaged recently. It's magically maintained; not sure if ti's city maintenance. NLAC worked with the city to replace the flagpole and flag lighting, but not sure who's in charge of the memorial. Damage is minimal, but it would take a crane or a forklift to re-erect the memorial.

Meeting location change

NLAC is looking for a different location to hold meetings, ebcause the library keeps kicking the commission out at 8 p.m. Jennifer says the new location is the Guiname? old funeral home. Haven't completed the paperwork but believe it has been secured. The North Linden and South Linden and South Side libraries all close at 8 p.m., unlike any other library in the system.


$2535.82? Something close to that. Rayna Morgan says that she just mailed out dues.

Zoning and Demolition Permits

Homeport update

The update on the zoning application CV18-085, at 2959 Cleveland Avenue ( covering 5 parcels), is that process takes a while. Jennifer says that the zoning commission will be meeting soon, probably early Janurary, and that the commission needs to figure out what it will say at that meeting. She says that residents should also prepare.

John Lathram says that the former A-Z market on Hudson has become a car sales lot, which is distatsteful even though it's allowed under current zoning. If Hudson is getting a makeover in the next 5 years as part of the One Linden plan, why are all these used-car lots being allowed to be established? He says he's brought up with the city that the city is allowing this C4 zoning in areas that don't comply with the city's plan for the areab.

Demo permit 1809866, 2424 Cleveland Avenue

The contractor is present.

Holly Borghese said that there was a court order against the building; it went to sheriff's auction and was sold to the current owner; the building has a demolition order.

Approved; signed off by Aaron Woosley who's the NLAC chair of demo permits.

Demo permit 1809111, 2403 Linden Avenue

Owned by the Columbus Holding Group as part of Next Gen, requesting a demo permit to take down the entire permit.

John Lathram says he and Valita Fields went out last week to look, and that it's all good to be removed. Holly Borghese says that that entire block, Linden Ave to Clinton Ave tktk check, Cleveland to tktk, are Next Gen properties that will be removed. Motion in favor approved.

Demo permit 1809112, 2407 Linden Avenue

Another Columbus Holding Group property. motion in favor approved.

Demo permit 1809111, 2417 Linden Avenue

Heather FitzGerald asks for clarification: are these all owned by the city? Yes, says John.

Demo permit 1809153, 1197 Loretta Avenue

1500 sq. ft. residential structure, owned by the Land Bank. Rayna Morgan and Holly Borghese say that the property is in good condition. Jennifer says that though the land bank may request a demolition permit, as part of getting block bids on demolition, they don't always demolish bulidings they get permits for.

The motion to recommend approval was not passed.

Demo permit 1809154, 1330 Minnesota Avenue

960 sq. ft. residential structure owned by the Land Bank. Holly says it's got a bad roof. Valita says the shingles probably have asbestos in them. Motion to recommend approval approved.

Demo permit 1809272, 1621 Genessee Avenue

Owned by the Land Bank. John says it's in bad shape. Jennifer says the building has an "Unsafe Building" sign. Valita says it looks like it's about to fall down. Approved.

Demo permit 1809373, 2651 Cleveland Avenue

The red house, 2856 sq. ft. Owner is Abdoul Ma??? tktk.

Rayna says that 2651 and 2657 are adjacent properties with the same owner. The one on the corner was a boys' group home. She says that she wants to know what their plan is for the lot, because it's C4 zoned.

Holly Borghese says that the adjacent lots are blank.

The commission wants to hear more from the owner; they table this permit as well as demo permit 1809375, 2657 Cleveland Avenue.

Public Services

John Lathram says that in 2019 there'll be an autonomous trolley running from 17th and Cleveland to St Steven's. Lots of apps coming out soon.

The Columbus Vice unit has bene put on pause, and the Cleveland Anti-human trafficking initiative as well. John says that five girls are now in Catch Court.

Neighborhood Reports

Rayna says she was randomly interviewed yesterday by Mark ???. Was asked about property values and revitalization. She thinks she did okay in the invterview.

John says the gentleman who wons the Oakland Park bar appeared at block watch, says that he would fight the area commission motion. He appears to have thought that the block watch meeting was the NLAC meeting

John says two people bought houses on briarwood, obviously flippers, but they're doing a good job.

Hudson houses also being flipped, says Valita Fields.

Valita reminds people to call 311.

NLAC has not heard anything from Parks about the ongoing Audubon Park renovations.

Adjourned 15 minutes early!

North Linden Area Commission Meeting, December 20, 2018 - December 20, 2018 - Ben Keith