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One Linden Meeting

  1. Mayor's speech
  2. Carla/Carly Williams-Scott/William Scott
  3. Nick

Mayor's speech

I don't have a transcript of his speech, but the City has a summary here.

Interesting things:

Why does Ginther say the plan is different from previous plans? Because the people have been involved in the planning process.

Carla/Carly Williams-Scott/William Scott

tktk transcript of speech


Slide highlighting the study area's vital statistics:

Highlights of research done by consultants

The ten big ideas are designed to be synergistic and impact each other, catalyzing further development.

Audience members at the presentation were provided with an executive summary of the full report. The full report is adjacent 11x17 pages, one idea per spread. The presentation went into a brief presentation on how to read the report. Each big idea comes with implementation items in different areas. Timeframes for each of these are bucketed by 1-5 years, 6-10 years, or 11+ years.

ourlinden.com has full copies of the plan, and copies will be available at libraries, schools, and rec centers in Linden. Area commissioners and community leaders will also be provided physical copies.

One Linden Meeting - October 23, 2018 - Ben Keith