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North Linden Area Commission Meeting, July 19, 2018

I arrived at 6:48, in the middle of the police thing.

meeting minutes! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pPNd8_YMDyWTKU1TTWWS-4UcPE3VtFYL

Cbus fire

Half the station 16 doesn't have a/c, says the officer reporting. Seeing an increase in heroin and carfetanyl. Fire alarms don't work in the basement.

Station 18 is doing good.

The Rescue truck is still in the shop after a collision.

The brand- new fire truck started leaking diesel out the bottom.

Commissioner Jennifer Adair says that she's ashamed of the contition.

Mayor's office

Chris has returned from being out the last 21 days.

Chris will be deployed to Kuwait in 9 months, gives the council a head's up.

North Linden Area Commission seeks business position to be filled

Needs a legal business entity registered in Linden, of any type. The process has been announced, applications are open until August tktkt. Interviews during planning meeting in December.

tktk include scan.

Commissioner adair saus that the commission is reorganizaing what its committee structure works in response to how the City organizaes things internally.

The structure is as laid out in the agenda; chairs as listed in the sidebar for committees and subcommittees. These commiees would like community-memeer cochairs.

Farmer's Markets

C Valita Fields says that the SNAP support rollout is going well. Farmer's Market is at Gye Nyame Place in a converted funeral home? tktkt check

African American Male Wellness Walk

August 11, a 5k.

Zoning variances

Variance BZA18-064

1145 East Cooke Road.

This variance is requesting a larger-than-allowed two-car garage. The neighborhood

The house has a 20x20 attached garage; the proposal is to build a 20'x32' detached garage to match the house. The issue is that columbus limits garage size based on house square footage, and the house has small square footage on a 2-parcel 2-acre lot. Franklin County allows the garage to be sized based on lot size, and Columbus doesn't.

The garage will be built frame with a stone facade on the street size, standard size 7' doors, standard height, no spare rooms or heat or anything. It's a garage.

New Salem Church, Cleveland Avenue Property

Commissioner Adair calls the person here the pastor, he says that while there are many pastors in his family, he's not. He also clairfies that the Farmer's Market is not a New Salem initiative, though they do enjoy it.

On the first saturday, they do a homeless initiative called "midday sandwich run", goal is to distribute 1000 meals to neighbors. Starts this saturday at 2830 Cleveland Avenue.

tktk scan, link

Held first police officers 5k in run-walk in Linden, starting down Cleveland Avenue to Linden-McKinley. Raising money and volunteers. Coming up September 9. Linden P.R.I.D.E. 5k

In the 2900 block of Celeveland Avenue, the church owns a number of properties, including an abandoned and boarded-up set of apartment buildings. New Salem has created a community development corporation, just go t 501c3 status, to tear down the building and get approval for new housing there. They're looking for community feedback on what sort of property would be welcome there.

They're also working with Homeport to address housing needs. They're aiming for mixed-age mixed-income housing.

Neighborhood-based small business formum.

John Lathrum is working with the Dept of Neighborhoods and Small Business Admin to prep for a forum this fall/winter.

Code Enforcement

Tires and trash are a general issue and perennial. Tires cost money to dispose or recycle them; as a result people just dump them. There's a social media furor that came from an interaction someone had with a tire dumper near Brennan and Gennessee. The house was boarded up, and the garage was full of tires. 1525 Gennessee.

A police officer says that if you drop more than 11 tires, it's a 4th-degree felony, and there's an EPA fire. The EPA can do environmental testing regarding runoff, and possibly sieze the property.

John says that he took a shovel and cleared the alley behind his house. Three days later, someone dumped a lot of trash there. He says that he has a form that people can use to get the city to come and clean it up.

Demolition permits

Fire Statino 16, 1465 Oakland Park

Steve says this is his 7th fire station demo and his coworker's 3rd. Doesn't have an idea of what the construction will look like post-construction, but says that doing the demo early will save time and improve cleanliness. He's been getting pressure form the commission and from the city council regarding trash in the area. There's been a bunch of trash dumping in the alley behind the existing property, and he says that demolishing the existing property will break the cycle of dumping.

The conversation devolved into a general condemation of dumping and trash in alleys.

Motion to approve demopition was unanimously approved.

Permit 1904963

1475 Gennessee, residential.

Demo permit because of fire damage, owned by the land bank. Unanimously approved.

Police and Fire Relations

The commission decided that they would write a letter to CPD to request a substation on Carolyn Avenue. The commission has a draft.

Cleveland human Traffickign Initiative

John says there are no updates.

Gunshot Detection system

The officers say that ShotSpotter is being installed, with accuracy 2-3 feet, caliber, and firework detection. This allows the police to match shooting locations to bullets retrieved from wounds.

Linden, west side, and parsons. This is a pilot program, starting in an area in Linden and then expanding out from there, possibly starting in Cleveland/hudson and then going out from there.

The guy from the church said that the system is ShotSpotter, used in Detroit. he worked with Detroid to deploy it. He says that it would not surprise him if the areas where it would be deployed might not be public.

The officer says that it may be deployed in trees, lights, painted. CPD may seek volunteers to host the sensors.

Linden Park updates

Design meeting on July 31, 5:30 to 7, possibly with the mayor and preliminary design options.

Neighborhood reports

No new updates.

Cop says that they're seeing more women prostitutes in the street, asking people to call the police. Several commission members called out a particular gas station as having a "90-pound" woman at 6 a.m.

Other things

Columbus global academy great banquet

Observation: CPD issues bike cops with the same shoes.


North Linden Area Commission Meeting, July 19, 2018 - July 19, 2018 - Ben Keith